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Vocal Minority Award
for worst fanbase
I don't know how some of them keep holding on, since Sony keeps losing favor with every new stupid decision they make.
Be they kid diddlers or washed-out meleefags, the smell is undeniable
Super Smash Bros.
Go back and stay there.
Zoomers encountering complex media for the first time:
"Hey guys! FatKoopaGaming76 here with part 3 of my Nintendo rant! Today, we're going to once again talk about how Nintendo is the most anti-consumer company in the entire video game indust- OOOH! Is that a new Switch color?"
These people wouldn't even last 5 seconds on 2000s-era Newgrounds.
Friday Night Funkin'
Better head for that fallout shelter in your backyard when Chapter 3 drops.
"Make sure to vote for Genshin Impact in the /v/GAs! We have a special gift planned if we win our award"
Genshin Impact
Imagine how many more autists would have become rocket engineers if their hyperfixation wasn't Amy Rose inflation fanart?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Do they even play the games anymore? Isn't the current pokémon fanbase all about buying merch and drawing fanart?
ERP brothel intrigue is right on-par with the shit that goes on in EVE Online
Final Fantasy XIV
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