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Gone too Soon Award
For a Game You Loved That You Cannot Officially Play Anymore
Epic Games swimming in Fortnite bucks has prevented any new games in this series from being developed, for good.
Unreal Tournament
Epic Games
Admit it, the first three months of its release were some of the best a hero shooter has ever looked. Oh, and the gameplay was pretty solid too.
Blizzard Entertainment
Giving a nice friendly wave to the enemies in my killcam as I blow up their tank with a single grenade.
Battlefield Heroes
Easy Studios, EA Digital Illusions CE
Oh, shut the fuck up.
Firewalk Studios
Back in the time when just having Platinum as the developer made people hyped for even the cheapest games.
Transformers: Devastation
All those stages, mini-games, character costumes showcases, and online communities. Gone, like clean fabric that's been stained...
Media Molecule
Look upon its descendants, and weep for what was lost.
Battlefield 2142
EA Digital Illusions CE
It's a damn shame nobody ripped off the car-swapping mechanic either
Driver: San Francisco
Ubisoft Reflections
I saw the writing on the wall when the Raider got that stupid fucking plasma gun.
Tribes: Ascend
Hi-Rez Studios
A harbinger of how Blizzard treats their classic IP
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Blizzard Entertainment
Finally getting to flip that iceberg was such a great send-off to the only thing Disney couldn't ruin.
Club Penguin
Disney Interactive Studios
Back when being a Jedi took real effort
Star Wars Galaxies
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