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F2P Award
For Best Free to Play/Freeware Game of All Time
There's vomit everywhere, the toddlers are beating up the local wildlife and the adults are getting murdered by buff land walking fish, another normal day in the fortress.
Dwarf Fortress
Bay 12 Games (Download)
If you can't SLAM with the best, go JAM with the rest.
Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden
Tales of Game's Studios (Download)
A 1-man passion project that kicked off the indie games trend as we know it.
Cave Story
Studio Pixel (Download)
The only game that asked Doom if the game could run it instead, but the craziest part is that it actually works?
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart
Kart Krew (Download)
Winner of 2023's "Don Miguel Award" for best RPGMaker game of all time
Yume Nikki
Kikiyama (Download)
Many people's comfort food after Blizzard had completely ruined Diablo beyond all repair.
Path of Exile
Grinding Gear Games (Download)
You cook the lobster. You burn the lobster. You cook the lobster. You burn the lobster. You cook the lobster. You burn the lobster.
Jagex (Download)
Definitive proof that we still haven't moved past the hero shooters and capeshit era.
Marvel Rivals
NetEase Games (Download)
Hot chicks in business suits. One man's love for them and the game that brought that love to the masses through simple puzzles and good music. The spirit of indie devs at its core.
Vanripper (Download)
It's become increasingly clear as time passes that Valve snatched up the only member of the Allstars team that gave a shit.
Dota 2
Valve Corporation (Download)
The "game" that breaks (You)r heart in more ways than one.
Katawa Shoujo
Four Leaf Studios (Download)
Ninjas play free, but they will take your money for fashionframe no problems.
Digital Extremes (Download)
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