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The Award With No Name
for best western game of all time
Ain't it weird how Rockstar made a port of this not long after we decided our theme for the year? Makes a fella wonder.
Red Dead Redemption
Rockstar North
So good, Bethesda is seething about it to this day.
Fallout: New Vegas
Obsidian Entertainment
Shitposting before imageboards were a thing.
The Town with No Name
Delta 4
Fittingly made in the "Wild West" era of JRPGs, where any ridiculous idea was worth exploring
Wild ARMs
(You) Have Died of Dysentary
The Oregon Trail
There's no need for slow methodical warfare in the old west. Go fast, go hard, and go for broke,
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Good, honest to god fun cowboy shootan' multiplayer, completely free to play and still getting updated even after 10+ years since release.
Fistful Of Frags
FoF Dev Team
Laser lassos and giant robots, but the best revenge against an outlaw gang are still firearms and dynamite. Co-op action makes this a game for the ages, especially in the 4-player Reloaded.
Wild Guns
The most detailed western simulation ever made, right down to the horse balls.
Red Dead Redemption 2
Rockstar Games
Back in the old days, all you needed was a bottle of whisky and a trusty knife to take on the whole world. Not even a bear had a chance.
Neversoft Entertainment
"You in heap big trouble!"
Sunset Riders
Cowboy outfit? Check. Casinos? Check. Elvis? Check. It's a Western, alright.
God Hand
Clover Studio
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