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The Little Game That Could Award
for best game nobody played
Team Ninja were just a little too late to the "Realistic Ancient Japan Elden-Ring-like where you play as a dude with a sword"-like genre
Rise of the Rōnin
Answering the burning desire of autists everywhere to see their Factorio creations up close.
Coffee Stain Studios
Proving that MICA can make a fun and challenging SRPG whenever they want, but gacha pays better.
Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery
"What if you didn't have to slog through 300 hours of story to get to the good parts of FF14?"
Rabbit and Steel
A larger suite of shorter mysteries that all pull together in the end
The Rise of the Golden Idol
Color Gray Games
All the fun of SRB2K, with complex new mechanics, a whopping 28 cups, and a boatload of stuff to unlock.
Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers
Kart Krew Dev
This rocking shmup by legendary artist Shigatake will bless your vision, hearing, and soul.
Devil Blade Reboot
Shigatake Games
How appropriate. Fits both with the show's theme and the bots that we use to rig the awards.
DEAD MAN'S HAND: Card Roulette Action
Black Garden Studios
Man, how I fucking hate grasshoppers. If I could take over someones body and beat the shit out of grasshoppers, I'd spill all my alien blood all over them.
Bokeh Game Studio
The 3D Goemon game Konami refuses to make, and it even got localized for once!
Did you know that O-chan is actually just a girl in a cat costume?
Ufouria: The Saga 2
176 fanmade megaman levels packed into a game that took 6 years to make
Make a Good Mega Man Level 3
Mick Galbani, ACESpark, snoruntpyro, and others
Against all odds, the band came back together and pulled it off one last time. Beautiful lush environments, tons of secrets, crazy combat customization, and tragic romance.
Visions of Mana
Ouka Studios, Square Enix Creative Business Unit IV
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