Turn the radio up, I can still hear the race engineers telling me to turn left.
Daytona USA
Sega AM2
Mixes the best parts of 1 and 2 for an experience that's more than the sum of its parts. Top-tier movement and combat in a planet full of secrets and gigantic threats.
Super Metroid
Nintendo R&D1, Intelligent Systems
So what? Playable boss characters, faster gameplay, and four new characters with all new movesets aren't enough for you? Next you'll want super gauges and a secret boss, talk about greedy.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
The technological leap from the NES Megaman games to this one (graphics, music, stages, cutscenes) is enough to make a fellow wall jump out of their seats.
Mega Man X
"Hi Sandy, hope you’re doing well. This is inaccurate. Although the Super Shotgun kicks ass, and the new demons are fun to kill, those maps could use some touching up."
Doom II
id Software
Name any other remake that gives you 2400% more game than the original, with way better controls and new stage gimmicks that are actually good.
Donkey Kong (Game Boy)
Nintendo EAD, Pax Softnica
Called our bluff, did you? Now let's kick it old-school and show that "insect", SHODAN, who the real hacker is and always was.
System Shock
Looking Glass Studios
This is what us boomers would call an 'expansion pack.' They don't make 'em like this anymore
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic Team
It's a grand adventure that takes place before and after the apocalypse, and the bugs and glitches only add to its legacy. Vanish+Doom, Psycho Cyan, Wind God Gau, and the infamous GhostTrain Suplex.
Final Fantasy VI (formerly III)
Back in my day, our games had state of the art 3D graphics, and you bet I could beat it blindfolded in one life!
Donkey Kong Country
The developers from Disney's Aladdin (the good one) got so tired of creating licensed games that they made an elaborate joke into an actually great game.
Earthworm Jim
Shiny Entertainment
Don't panic, Rookie! This game has a 99% chance of hitting. Nothing could go wrong.